The Bank Is Providing A Fantastic Chance To Earn Money.

This is an excellent choice for you if you want to make money while sitting at home during the Corona season. Let me share a fantastic business opportunity with you, through which you can simply make 60 thousand rupees each month while sitting at home.

New Delhi, India: If you prefer to work from home during the Corona time, this is an excellent alternative for you. Let me share a fantastic business opportunity with you, through which you can simply make 60 thousand rupees each month while sitting at home. It is also, most significantly, a secure approach. Actually, you’ll get SBI (State Bank of India), the country’s second-largest public sector bank, with this offer.

State Bank Of India ATM Franchisee

Taking the SBI ATM Franchise of the State Bank of India is a simple way to make money. Any bank’s ATM is not placed on the bank’s behalf, but rather by a different firm. Its contract is granted by the bank, which is responsible for the installation of ATMs around the country. So, let’s look at how you might profit from an ATM franchise.

These are the conditions for taking SBI ATM Franchise 

These are the conditions for taking SBI ATM Franchise 

1. To take the franchise of SBI ATM, you should have 50-80 square feet of space.
2. Its distance from other ATMs should be 100 meters.
3. Keep in mind that this space should be on the ground floor and have good visibility.
4. There should be 24 hours power supply, apart from this, a 1 kW electricity connection is also mandatory. 
5. This ATM should have a capacity of about 300 transactions per day.
6. The ATM space should have a concrete roof.
7. No objection certificate is required from the society or authority for installing V-SAT.

Documents Required for Franchise of SBI ATM 

1. ID Proof – Aadhaar Card, Pan Card, Voter Card
2. Address Proof – Ration Card, Electricity Bill
3. Bank Account and Passbook
4. Photograph, E-mail ID, Phone Number
5. Other Documents
6. GST Number
7. financial documents

How To Apply For SBI ATM Franchise

You may apply for an SBI ATM franchise online by going to the official website of the company that provides the service. Contracts to deploy ATMs in India have been signed by Tata Indicash, Muthoot ATM, and India One ATM. You may do so by checking on the websites of each of these firms and applying for an ATM.

Here is the official website

Tata Muthoot
India One ATM—

How much can be earned

Tata Indicash is the biggest and most established of these businesses. It accepts franchisees in exchange for a refundable security deposit of Rs. 2 lakh. Aside from that, you’ll need to put down Rs 3 lakh as working capital. As a result, you’ve made a total investment of Rs 5 lakh.

If you look at the revenues, every cash transaction earns you Rs 8 and every non-cash transaction earns you Rs 2. That means the yearly return on investment might be as high as 33-50 percent. To put it another way, if you do 250 transactions per day via your ATM, 65 percent of which are cash transactions and 35 percent are non-cash transactions, your yearly revenue would be about 45 thousand rupees. At the same time, a fee of about 88-90 thousand dollars will be charged on 500 transactions. That means significant earnings are accessible following a one-time investment.

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